Alphabetti spaghetti

Sorry, I almost completely forgot about s, which is ridiculous as so many great things begin with it: spaghetti, sea, slint, swervedriver, sebadoh, sicily, sardinia, sunshine, soul, sleep, seduction, silliness, salami, sausages, sauerkraut, swimming, snuggling, scott (walker) etc. duh!


Tamsin said…
love your work - it's GREAT!
Amber Wallis said…
oh sebadoh.... my heart aches for that song 'On Fire'. You are on fire Adi. I hope you had a great birthday? I have tales to tell, maybe in Canberra x
arxo said…
really cool...
D is for Dracula, love the teeth..;-)
love the pea! its so self explanatory
Willie Baronet said…
I must confess, I am a fan of X. ;-)
Annie said…
this is very good!
I love the line work on this ... great alphabet. :-)
Ammon said…
Great idea and wonderful style too. You have a great blog.

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